At HUNC we find it most important that designs make people happy. This can be by a smile on somebodies face or through a positive impact on somebodies life. Therefor the designs by HUNC have a focus on humans.
HUNC´s work field is the city. Because in cities the future is shaped, it´s the place where people come together and where chances are born.
HUNC aims at improving the quality of life in cities.
Life and nature are indissoluble related to each other. To improve city life a connection with nature is needed.
HUNC creates connections. Between humans, between humans and the city, and between humans and nature. By putting a focus on strengthening connections HUNC makes designs with the greatest possible impact.
Mission & Vision
HUNC strives for irresistibly handsome cities. The office operates in the fields of architecture, interior design, and interventions in the public domain. The designs by HUNC contribute to a direct positive experience of the urban life. In addition, the studio is committed to inspiring with its designs and ideas, as many people as possible to participate in making the city attractive.
HUNC is committed to contributing substantially to the happiness of urbanites internationally. By breaking through fixed patterns the studio creates a fresh view of the existing surroundings, we challenge people to play and to create space for personal implementations in the city fabric.
A city to fall in love with is a sexy city.
To love the city you live, work, and spend your free time in, the city needs to be seductive.
An attractive city has the characteristics of a HUNC.
- Vital and healthy, the city is never static and gives room to new developments
- Irresistible, the irresistible city attracts people.
- Cool, the city is not afraid to be adventurous.
- Provocative, the city stimulates urbanites to be creative.
- Character, the city is unique and has its own expressive identity.
- Humor, the city lets you relax and makes you laugh.
- Playful, the city keeps you young.
- Tasty, the ideal city is yummy.
To create irresistible seductive urban designs, we use the knowledge and principles of:
– placemaking
– environmental psychology
– biophylic design
– place-led-development